Friday, July 13, 2012


Due to some trouble irl. My operations have all been halted until further notice.

I hope to return soon. For more detail use !update on my chan. But not even my bot will be there all the time :/

Saturday, July 7, 2012


Got a request the other day for some Pokemon pics. I'm not into Pokemon, so I wasn't able to tag characters by name. I also only recently started a Pokemon folder so there are only 29 pics.
Nonetheless, I organized them as much as I could.



Since there seem to be questions and stuff about request, I've decided to make a request page.
If you have any questions or requests, go there.

Monday, July 2, 2012

A little treat

.png images are good. But I can't tag them. So while doing mass-organizing they are usually moved off to the side so to speak.  I removed a bunch of pngs from my main storage area, and decided to bundle and upload them just cuz I can.
 Figured I should post it here: